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L2JZeus Vote! Interlude 0

  • Добавлено: 2022-08-27 10:58:04
  • Владелец: Zeus
  • Сайт: https://www.l2jzeus.com
  • Статус:
  • Язык: English
  • Геолокация: France
  • Платформа / Тип: L2J Normal
ставки сервера
  • EXP: 3
  • SP: 3
  • DROP: 3
  • ADENA: 3
  • Безопасная заточка: 3
  • Максимальная заточка: 16
Хорошо знать
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Пользовательские зоны:
  • Пользовательские оружие:
  • Пользовательские доспехи:
  • Offline магазин:
Поделиться в соц сетях
Many players force us to create a low rate server for sure L2Warland is not possible to be a low rate server why that change his identity and destroy his path on Lineage2 Interlude World L2Warland cant be anything else exclude a Mid Rate x12 server with 2 years minimum life and run it for many years
Season4 start October 2023

So we decide to create a complete new project a brother of L2Warland and run it separated
This new project has be a really low rate project back to 2007 the Original Lineage2 Interlude Days like Zeus Server using L2Warland Experience Security and Quality

Name of this new server is Zeus x3 Interlude

With this project we will create a bridge between the Low rate and Mid rate community focusing on a low rate game play but playable in 2022 certainly no matter how much our love for this game is we are no longer 18 years old having many obligations families jobs etc

This is the reason why we set the rates to x3 40 minutes buff 2 minutes dancesongs only 8 basic buffs from the buffer with Farm Assistant that making all classes serve the purpose of the game reminding again the good old days of lineage2 and with a minimum life of 2 years with the advent of this period we will decide if we want to extend the duration for much longer

The Grand Opening set for October 1 2022 at 1900 GMT2 which will begin a wonderful period where Lineage2 Interlude will go back years offering the Game Experience like the good old days but with what it takes to make the game possible for everyone in 2022


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