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L2 Continental Vote! High Five 0

  • Добавлено: 2022-11-22 23:24:59
  • Владелец: Shadyy
  • Сайт: http://www.l2continental.com
  • Статус:
  • Язык: English
  • Геолокация: France
  • Платформа / Тип: L2J Normal
ставки сервера
  • EXP: 10
  • SP: 10
  • DROP: 7
  • ADENA: 7
  • Безопасная заточка: 3
  • Максимальная заточка: 16
Хорошо знать
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Пользовательские зоны:
  • Пользовательские оружие:
  • Пользовательские доспехи:
  • Offline магазин:
Поделиться в соц сетях
Custom features

Unique custom Subclass system guiding daily pvp
Epic Bosses 3 times per week to raise a space develop your character and community
Dynamic Event systems GMs public events Head of Assassins NPC to place bounty reward for any Player GvG events and many others
Class transfer free 3rd class for bunch of adena
Gm shop up to low A grade with SA
ALTB system buffer teleport GM shop etc
Donation shop to S grade for first 5 days every Tuesday upgrade the donation store
Unlimited soulshots
Mana potions raised to 1 500 mana 30 seconds reuse
Maximum clients from PC 4
Auto learn skills
Olympiad max enchant 6
Heroes every 14 days everytime in Monday
24 buff slots 4 divine inspiration and 12 dance and songs slot
Siegesterritory wars every weekend without epics every Friday and Monday free day without epics
Auto events every one hour different kind of classical events
100 AntiBot protection systém SGuard report command ingame
2 hour free buffs from ALTB system
farm autofarm bot autofarm max 6h every day for 1 character
Tezza only Party Leader scroll
Freya auto core at Kegor
Beleth RaidBoss teleport directly from Giran NPC
Orfen epic jewel 5 P defM def Core epic jewel 5 P atkM atk
ShiftClick on the monster shors you its droplist and chances
LOA only in cave pvp zone
Global party matching green color chatfor better regroup of parties for any action
Subclass system

Classic retail quest for subclasses with custom modifications
Consists of two parts
Fates Whisper second option without Baium
Mimirs Elixir
Necessary to kill 4 different Subclass Bosses
Hallate Golkonda and Kernon dropping Treasure what obtaining item Infernium Sceptres you need 3 Infernium Sceptres
Infernium Sceptres is avaible also in Donate shop and Festival adena shop mostly for situations that you would somehow struggle to finish some of these bosses
After obtaining all Infernium Sceptres continue to finish Fates Whisper quest
After finishing Fates Whisper you are able take and finish Mimirs Elixir quest
Teleport to the every of these Subclass Bosses by ALTB system teleport
Every 11 hours spawn each boss 11 hours start counting from exact moment when the individual subclass Boss is killed
On every zone of this subclass Boss spot is pvp zone
Epic Bosses

Epic Bosses general timelines
Tuesday Epic Boss Ant Queen Orfen Core between 20002200 GMT1
Wednesday Epic Boss Antharas Baium between 20002200 GMT1
Thursday Epic Boss Valakas Beleth between 20002200 GMT1
Special Boss

Every 11 hours spawn of Special Boss Bengoro 11 hours start counting from exact moment when the Bengoro is killed ALTB teleport Bengoro in Kariks spot pvp zone


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