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Lineage 2 Death Vote! Interlude 1248

  • Добавлено: 2022-11-29 15:30:23
  • Владелец: Володимир
  • Сайт: https://lin2death.com
  • Статус:
  • Язык: English
  • Геолокация: France
  • Платформа / Тип: L2J Normal
ставки сервера
  • EXP: 10000
  • SP: 10000
  • DROP: 1
  • ADENA: 10000
  • Безопасная заточка: 15
  • Максимальная заточка: 65
Хорошо знать
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Пользовательские зоны:
  • Пользовательские оружие:
  • Пользовательские доспехи:
  • Offline магазин:
Поделиться в соц сетях
Mega PvP Server many new Skills Items as well as new slots Agathions and Costumes are available right now

Embark on the legendary path and acquire legendary equipment for the enemies are already waiting for you in the throne room

Daily Quests

Dungeons Daily Clan Solo Survive and other

Max Clan Level 11 level

Its not about Lineage 2 its about Legendary Path

Server Specialty PVP

Starting Level Lv 80 Max Server Lv 99

Server Rate XP 10000 SP 10000 Adena 10000

Multiple Custom Quests Noblesse Custom Quest for Noblesse

Buff Duration 2 Hours Unlimited Slots

Customs We have 7 Levels of Armors Weapons Wings

Sub Classes Limited up to 9

Max Enchant Safe 15 Max 65

Enchant Rate 91 Premium Runes Up to 96

Augment Rate 25 Premium Runes Up to 34

Augment WeaponsArmorsJewelry UNLIMITED Aguments Active Passive

Heroes every week

Fortress Sieges every day

Castle Sieges every week

Skills from League of Legends Dota 2 New Talents and Rebirth


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